Gift Indoor Plants For Positive Vibes

Plants are natural sources of oxygen which can be beneficial for health. We also have an indoor plant which is useful for home décor purposes. These plants look buoyant that makes the spaces more alive and puts the residents in a relaxing mood. Your interior design might be exuberant and luxury, however adding a plant can be a good option. With wooden interiors or boisterous upholstery, indoor plants differentiate themselves adding in some green factor. A potted green plant in the corner looks vibrant in the corner. You can have plants in all the rooms of your house to make it look interesting.

Indoor plants not only bring beauty but also helps in cleaning the air. These plants release oxygen and inhale pollutants like Carbon Dioxide and Benzene among others. Along with positive vibes and eco-friendly benefits, these plants are one of the best options for gifting. You can gift it for house warming, birthdays and anniversaries among others. These natural air fresheners are one of the best gifts to your loved ones. You can get them in nearby nurseries or gift shops as well. You can also order them online on website portals like GiftBoxGuru.

Bamboo is one of the popular plants for gifting your loved ones. A few types of Bamboo are good choices for indoor plants. However, it needs extra care. It needs sunlight and is regarded as lucky according to Feng Shui. Planting money plant is considered lucky as it brings good luck and prosperity. A money tree needs a sandy moss based soil and pot with good drainage.
Aeralia plant is actually a shrub. You need to place them where there is medium to high sunlight and water the plant when the soil becomes dry. Monitoring the temperature is vital. Aloe Vera has many healing and prosperity benefits. Six to eight hours of sunlight is best for Aloe Vera and requires less water. Some species of bonsai are good for indoor plants. It is believed to bring good luck and harmony. These indoor plants will not only improve air but enhance the ecology quotient of your house.


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